duminică, 15 noiembrie 2009

We became friends with nature

Whether or not we are aware, the great kingdom of plants help humanity in very many ways. First when the plants are beautiful to watch. Forests with old trees, rare plant protection, garden arranged to the smallest detail, windows filled with flowers, it offers people who receive them, all they mean one thing, love for plants.
Come take a walk through the woods and watch the trees. They can be divided into two categories: hardwoods (trees with leaves obsolete) and conifers. Conifer cone-bearing means. Coniferous leaves are processed into needles do not fall to winter and not yellow. Conifers are trees that remain green all year. They gum and their bark is aromatic. In a coniferous forest fresh scent invites you clean air. Trees with leaves are those who fell and lost leaves during the cold season. Autumn, when the days become shorter, photosynthesis is reduced gradually and the leaf chlorophyll is transported to other parts of the plant. Before falling leaves lose their green hue gradually took the woods in light golden-red like fire.
A trip to the forest can become a very pleasant experience. Empower yourself with good mood, with a plant identification guide and an old book that no longer use. Trying to pick the leaves begin to identify them using the guide. Choose different colors, shapes, fresh and dried leaves. After identification, if leaves are still green leave them to dry between the pages of the book. Create a beautiful and original arrangement with your acquisitions. In this way to relax, to oxygen, discover and learn to love nature.
Perhaps the most important use of trees for us is wood. It is valued in the industry of paper production, furniture and various accessories, musical instruments or simply as a source of heating. Wood trees is the same. It differs from species to species. Each type of wood has a certain destination is chosen according to color and texture.
Grasses and other plant fibers are transformed into so-called "straw" through which we can get weaving: baskets, ropes, carpets or furniture. Other plants such as cotton, flax or hemp offers us the raw material for clothing. Even many of the colors we use for clothing from all the plants.
Another way of looking at things would be to think of where our food really comes from? Whether it is fruit, leaf, stem, seed, tuber or flower is edible for animals and humans. Plants are in fact the underlying food chain because they convert the inorganic elements in organic compounds photosynthesis. When you dine, think of how what we eat comes directly or indirectly from plants.
Another way that plants help life consists in the therapeutic effects that many have on our body. Many active compounds from medicinal plants directly from today. Others such as morphine, quinine, aspirin, have been synthesized artificially mimicking the original and plants. Unfortunately many of these miraculous plant components were not yet discovered and probably one cure for this disease will remain fierce in a long hidden in places difficult to reach the tropical forests.
Plants contribute to the welfare of us all. Trees and shrubs we purify the air, making it clean, protect us from beating fierce wind and provide shade in our hot summer days.
Have you thought about how we help the plants in a single day of our lives? Try to write down everything you eat and use in a single day, all you send directly or indirectly with the thought in the world of plants. You are surprised?

Plants and life

We are part of the universe. So do plants. We live and we are grateful for that. So did they. We have adapted over time to the demands of a modern and civilized society. So do plants have acquired many adaptations to the environment and new mechanisms for protection.
A special world, fascinating, miraculous where everything seems at its brightest. Continuously trying to use it for our own good and full of selfishness a fully exploited.
Should respect nature, learn from it, to try to discover more, even though most times we are facing an unknown forever.
In search of that unique moment of supreme peace, relaxation and a new world, perhaps better than ours, consciously or not, get back to nature. Fill our minds with abundant plants in tropical forests full of life, color and sound.
We feel strong vibration, wet heat, smell the earth and the scent of flowers. Listen hum foliage, sounds of insects and birds songs.
Recognize, or not, we need nature, those delicate and sensitive forms of life. We need plants.
Plants are not "objects" but beings. Fear or love, enjoy or suffer as they communicate with us. They are extremely fine and complicated organisms that exist not just to produce "biological mass. We can thus become as "vegetative" and dumb when I say that there plants that do not respond to "hello".

duminică, 5 octombrie 2008

The Value of Aromatic Plants

Aromatherapy is used since ancient times and is a natural therapy, a phytotherapy, which aims to improve or cure diseases with aromas of plants. It is considered one of the most convenient therapy that does not create dependency and do not produce side effects.
Aromatherapy use the volatile oils and essences, extracts from plants which are kept in sealed bottles and stored in a cool place. These oils are put in special containers for aromatherapy, in a bathtub or are used for massage. You can also do aromatherapy in the shower, bath foam, bath salts, oils or with body lotions if they are made from natural essences.
Aromatherapy must be done in well-ventilated rooms and to enhance the effects can be done in combination with other therapies through color, through music, through massage, etc.
There are not known exactly what all the essential oils and plants effects may have on humans. Some are recommended in case of insomnia, stress and fatigue (lemon, lavanda, rose etc.), more effective disinfectant and antibacterial (pine, eucalyptus, rosemary, onion, garlic etc.), while those with aphrodisiac effects strongly influence the brain and senses (saffron, basil, cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, ginseng etc.). Aromatic plants are so concentrated in active industry today that they exploit to the maximum.
Using herbs in the kitchen aims to obtain special tastes and flavors for food favorites. Thus, you can use, if necessary, leaves, flowers or seeds of different plants in this category (tarragon, rosemary, mint, garlic, vanilla etc.). In nature there are plants whose flowers are edible. Consumed fresh, used in salads or other recipes culinary, edible flowers give a special flavor to your food.
Choose a natural nutrition, healthy and use in your kitchen culinary herbs, so healthy and perfume.

The World of Plants

We are part of the universe. As well as plants. We live and we are grateful for that. So did they. We adjusted, over time the requirements of a modern and civilized society. As well as plants have achieved multiple adaptations to the environment and new mechanisms for defense.
A world apart, wonderful, miraculous in which everything seems to superlative. Continuously try to use it for our own good and full of self exploit to the maximum.
We should respect nature, learn from it, try more to discover, even if most of the time we face a forever unknown.
In search of that unique moment of supreme peace, relaxation and a new world, maybe better than ours, in consciously or not, go back to nature. We fill the mind with the abundance of plants from tropical forests full of life, color and sound.Feel strong vibration, humid heat, smell the scent of earth and flowers. Listen the sound of wind blowing throw the leaves, insect sounds and songs of birds.
Admit it or not, we need the nature of those delicate and sensitive forms of life. We need plants.
Various researchers and scientists have estimated, over time, the unmistakeable value of plants, both for science (botanical, medicine, geography, molecular biology, genetics, cytology) as well as for amateur growers, as a means of recreation and beauty of their home. Worldwide plants help enormously in knowledge of the environment and various changes through which it passes. Destruction of natural habitat, expansion or, conversely, that threatening species are often explaining the study and development of plants in those areas. Plants respond to the action of ultraviolet radiation helping to detect problems such as the destruction of ozone.
Therefore, everywhere in the world, plants play the role of systems alert us in time of changes in the environment, helping us to somehow create a better world.
Plants are not "objects" but beings. Fear or love, enjoy or suffer and communicate among themselves like us. Bodies are extremely fine and complicated that there is not only to produce "biological mass". We can become so, as "vegetative" and unwise as plants when we say that the plants are not exists because do not respond to "hello".